Introducing Summit Flex Activities, a dynamic and enriching framework intricately woven into our school year and blossoming into a vibrant centerpiece of our student’s summer experience. This transformative approach nurtures student voice and choice, facilitating a diverse spectrum of activities, ensuring an energized start to their summer days.

From jewelry making, word games, puzzles, and creative expression to sports trivia, gym activities, ‘how to adult’ sessions, and even exploring musical interests with drumming and guitar, Summit Flex Activities are as varied as our students’ passions. Even the traditional breakfast time morphs into an engaging activity under the Flex framework!

What sets Flex Activities apart is the fusion of joy and learning. Our dedicated teachers guide students through these pursuits, fostering an environment of mutual respect and shared interests. These interactions transcend the traditional academic setting, unveiling a different, more personal side of the teacher-student relationship.

Moreover, Summit Flex Activities offer therapeutic benefits. For example, creative activities like Perler Beads and journaling can support students’ personal development goals, often in the most unexpected and enjoyable ways. These activities become an integral part of students’ routines, offering a balanced mix of relaxation, fun, and self-discovery.

Whether it’s delving into special effects, exploring the realm of chess and board games, or taking a leisurely morning walk, every activity under Summit Flex is designed to empower students and build a strong, inclusive community. This is where every interaction is meaningful, every day brings a fresh adventure, and positive changes are celebrated.

Step into the vibrant world of Summit Flex Activities – a seamless blend of the school year and summer experiences. This is where passions are ignited, skills are honed, and every student embarks on an enriching journey of learning and fun. Discover, explore, and let’s flex our imagination together in this transformative learning voyage.