Kyle Hassell goes beyond bringing the community together
Summit School Senior Childcare Worker and Vocational Counselor, led a donation effort among staff and students last month in the wake of the Bronx Apartment Fire, finding the silver lining his students could grab onto.
Kyle Hassell has worked for Summit School over the last 20 years, playing a significant role in the lives of so many students throughout that time. As a Vocational Counselor, Kyle spends a lot of time off campus with students as part of the work-based learning program that prepares students for life after graduation.
“Seeing the kids move on and start the next chapter of their lives, that’s what it’s really about for me…I want to see them succeed,” he said.
In the following video, we learn about what happened from Kyle’s perspective in the days after the tragedy. Not only did Kyle bring the community together to help support those in need, but he used it as an opportunity to get students involved. Kyle’s ability to understand how these experiences serve the students is remarkable.